Dr. Feelgood Tour Jet
Dr. Feelgood Tour Jet
Tommy Lee stands in front of the Dr. Feelgood Tour jet.
Anthrax's Scott Ian tells the story of flying with Tommy, who had asked the pilot to engage in some tricks. "And the pilot’s like...‘We’re going to do a real steep climb, and then when we get to the top of the parabolic arch and go back down, you’re going to feel weightless for maybe about five seconds.’ ...And suddenly I’m floating in my seat, which is amazing! Tommy Lee is not even sitting down, he’s in the aisle of the plane...floating in midair, and he didn’t even spill his drink. I would go on record as saying it’s the most rock-star moment I have ever seen in my life."
Photographs, 3.5 x 5 inches, c. 1989
From the Collection of Tommy Lee